Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Joe, Marianne, Shea, Mitchell, and Kayla, wish everyone a wonderful, safe, and happy Thanksgiving Day. All is well in North Carolina. Fall is in the air and the weather is wonderful. Thank God for all our blessings and wonderful family!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Diabetes Walk For A Cure, Raleigh, NC

On Saturday, November 7th, Shea (Mulvey) Wixson and her team of Shea's Super Stars participated in the diabetes WALK FOR A CURE at Time Warner Music Center. Over 7,000 people participated in the walk, raising over $l million for diabetes research. Shea's team should raise over $3,000.00 after all pledges are received. Over the past 5 years Shea's Super Stars have raised $25,000.00 for juvenile diabetes research. Shea thanks everyone for their support!