Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17, 2010
Marianne and I wish all of our relatives a Happy St. Patrick's Day.
May the sun always shine warm on your face.

Shea Inducted Into National Junior Honor Society

February 25, 2010
Shea (Mulvey) Wixson
Shea was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School. The purpose of the NJHS is to recognize and encourage academic excellence while developing the characteristics important in a democratic society. These ideals are scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Science Olympiad Winner

Kayla (Mulvey) Wixson

Kayla competed for Green Hope High School for the JV Team at the Science Olympiad Regionals on March 5th. She won first place for Anatomy, Forensics, and Trajectory. Then in the final standings she won first place overall (including varsity teams) for Anatomy and Trajectory.

Mitchell's Basketball Team Medal

February 2010
Mitchell (7 yrs) & Papa Joe at conclusion of St. Mary Magdalene
Catholic School junior basketball season.