Bernadette Mulvey visited San Franciso recently and met with Bob Mulvey Jr. and Bernadette Farrell. From S.F. she went to Las Vegas for the International Toastmasters Convention. She met Sean Jr. and Shane Mulvey for bunch while in Vagas. I am not sure what else she did in Vegas, for as we all know that "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." On August 21 Bernie flew to Raleigh to visit with Joe & Marianne Mulvey, Colleen & Nelson Wixson; Kayla, Shea, and Mitchell, as well as Eileen Falcone. We had a nice social get together on Wednesday, August 23, and were joined by Julia Mulvey and Chip from Fayetteville. It was a nice visit and we all had an opportunity to discuss the reunion and renew fond memories of Ireland.
What wonderful relatives we have!