"It is with a deep regret that I announce the passing this
morning [Oct 6] of my wife of 53 years, Marianne. She had a long and difficult 3 year
battle with bladder cancer, which spread to her lymph node and lungs. She is
now at peace. Good Bless this loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great
"Marianne's funeral mass will be Monday, Oct. 14 at 11:a.m.,
St. Andrews Catholic Church, 3008 Old Apex Rd., Apex , NC. Tele 919-362-0414
919-362-0414. A rosary will be held at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 13 at St. Mary
Magdalene Catholic Church in Cary. I plan on taking Marianne's ashes to St.
Mary's Catholic Cemetary in Oakland, CA, sometime around Nov. 4th, to be
interned with her grandparents, uncle, aunt, and mother. Once I confirm the
actual date and time I will get it out. We will have a memorial service prior
to internment. Marianne requested no flowers. If you would like to do
something, consider donating to the American Diabetes Association, Step out
Walk, Oct. 26 in Raleigh, website Stepout.diabetes.org, under the name of
walker Shea Wixson"